CVOK - Hiring Products
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Total CVs: 17656


Hiring Products for Employers 


Here you can read more about website CVOK Hiring Products and select the most suitable for you.  



Post a Job     


With the product you can Post Jobs online and view incoming CVs of job seekers. Read more »     


  Job Postings  Duration Price     
1 Job 2 Weeks  4.99 EUR
1 Job 2 Months 9.59 EUR
10 Jobs 2 Months 15.98 EUR
Not Limited 2 Months 24.93 EUR
Not Limited 6 Months 50.49 EUR
Not Limited 1 Year  82.45 EUR


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CV Database Access 


You can search CV Database of the website. Read more »


  Duration      Price 
1 Day  4.99 EUR
1 Week  7.61 EUR
1 Month  12.14 EUR
6 Months  31.32 EUR
1 Year  44.10 EUR


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All Services

(Job Postings + CV Database Access)


With this product you will use all the features of CVOK website, not limited Job Posting and CV Database search. Read more »


    Duration           Price     
1 Month 28.76 EUR
2 Months 37.71 EUR
4 Months  69.66 EUR
6 Months  88.84 EUR
1 Year 127.18 EUR


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 NB! If you are registered user, to order new Hiring Product please login and go to the page Hiring Products in your account. 



If you've got any questions about our Hiring Products, please e-mail us or  phone us (+372) 5262475.                   


Also all your questions will be answered here 



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